Meet Dr. Ed Kim -- of Taylor Swift and July 4th Fame
He's building City of Hope Hospital in Irvine
When I was interviewing Dr. Ed Lee, he perceptively noticed a mole on my neck. It had been cancerous and removed about two weeks before.
Dr. Lee is one of those Renaissance men — the guy who can do everything and is aware of things around him. Right now, he’s the Phyisican in Chief of the City of Hope Orange County, which is spending $1.5 billion to build a hospital and clinic in Irvine to fight cancer.
Earlier this year, the Today Show highlighted how Ed and his daughter Elyssa have a special tradition — seeing Taylor Swift in concert together. The duo went viral on social media for their themed ensembles for the evening, and Elyssa Kim tells that she has her dad, who she says has always been her “fashion guru,” to thank.
The show neglected to mention that Dr. Ed is a big-time executive in the field of cancer research.
On July 4th, Dr. Ed was one of the principal speakers at the Pacific Symphony’s July 4th concert in Irvine featuring music of the Beatles. Dr. Ed, whose City of Hope sponsored the concert got off several nice puns such as “Once there was a way.”
Here’s Dr. Ed:
Here’s a shorter video from the show: